Latin name: Gentiana pneumonanthe L. Family:  Gentianaceae
English name: marsh gentian
Own language name: Gentiane des marais
Description: perennial plant, 30 - 80 cm high, blue flowers, 4 cm long, from july to october.  The 4 or 5 petals are usualy united into a trumpet, funnel or bell shape.

Belgique : campinien, flandrien, brabançon, mosan and ardennais districts.


Habitat: damp moors, peaty meadows of Molinion.

Report about the reasons of the risk:  very threathened specie except in the Hautes Fagnes plateau.  It is probably disapered of west Brabant. The first problem is the invasion of damp meadows and moors with molinie.

Categoria IUCN:  2, EN, endangered
Possible solutions:  protection and preservation of the  habitat in the settings where the plant exists still.
Culinary and/or medicinal properties:   
Medicinal properties :appetite, tonic and antipyretic but no effect on respiration and lungs. 
Flowers are used in making of blue dyes.
Culinary used : leaves and flowers may be cooked as vegetables but they are bitter.The roots are used in desserts preparation.
Appearance in the Literature and Arts:
The name Gentiana comes from GENTIUS, king of ancient Illyria and alleged discoverer of the plant medicinal value.
