Latin name: Drosera rotundifolia L. Family:  Droseraceae
English name: rondleaf sundew
Own language name: rossolis
Description: Carnivorous plant, vivace, The narrow, hairy 1.3-5 centimetre long petioles support 4-10 millimetres long lamina. The upper surface of the laminais densely covered with red glandular hairs that secrete a sticky mucillage.  A typical plant has a diameter of around 3-5 centimetres, with a 5-25 centimetre tall inflorescence.  The flower grow on one side of a single slender, hairless stalk that emanates from the centre of the leaf rosette. White colour, the five-petalled flowers produce 1-1.5 mm light brown seeds.  In the winter, D. rotundifolia produces a hibernaculum in order to survive the cold conditions. This consists of a bud of tightly curled leaves at ground level. 

Belgium : campinien, flandrien, brabançon, mosan (very sparse), ardennais and lorrain districts.  The plant is still present in peat in the hight plateau of Ardennes. 


Habitat: Peaty soils, damp heathland, more often among the sphaignes.

Report about the reasons of the risk:  

Categoria IUCN:  2, CR, critically endangered
Possible solutions:  preservation and control  of the typical biotope.
Culinary, medicinal and/or medicinal properties:   
médicinal plant :fresh leaves have anti-cough properties. They are used in homeopathie against the whooping cough and asthma. In high dose, they are irritating.


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 Plant with an insect